Monday, December 12, 2011

"Kali Dreams"

Sunset & Vine shooter identified as 26-yr. old Tyler Brehm.
A Facebook member by the name of Tyler Brehm is listed as living in Hollywood and being from Carlisle, Penn.

On Tuesday, the site lists him as switching his status from “in a relationship” to “single."

The Facebook page has a photo album titled “Cali Dreams” apparently of a trip he took to California in 2009. He’d recently changed his hometown to Carlisle and listed his place of residence as Hollywood.
Which is grimmer, being sucked in by Hollywood & going out suicide-by-police style, or having your existence summed up by your Facebook activity?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yet another reason to avoid Eff-Book.

M. Bouffant said...

Social Media & Morbidity Editor:

Mr. Superscript weighs in again from the old school.

F-book is like obits, we only visit to discuss the deceased & departed, or to find out who departed.

Glennis said...

"Kali dreams?"

You mean he's Hindu??? Now we have to worry about them too?

M. Bouffant said...

Pantheonic Editor:

Probably. We don't think they kiss up to the same Judeo-Christian gawd Americans do, so they are suspect.