Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bite Your Tongue

And while we're on the subject of why not a single Republican has announced a presidential candidacy yet — yep, that's the subject — isn't the answer obvious? It's because they all know Barack Obama is as good as a shoo-in in 2012. Unless something cataclysmic happens, the only reason for any Republican to run is either as a vanity candidate or to get practice for 2016.
Kevin Drum, in passing.

This inspired us to revisit something typed, oh, yesterday or something.
Another reason to get that Mitt money down now: Once the tea-bagging loons of the 112th Congress have done we can't imagine what, up to gov't. shutdowns & fucking w/ our Social Security, & have made idjits of themselves each & every time they foamed at their mouths, a candidate like Romney, who can afford handlers to keep the foaming internalized & maintain his perfect coiffure will be looking real good.
We could correlate from our previous punditry that the silly to stark-raving-mad behavior this new Congress may display might result in a dire shortage of candidates willing to have their asses handed to them by the anti-colonialist Kenyan Musselman. As soon as the republic collapsed under the weight of socialist debt/free GM cars for everyone, all blame would be laid right at the loser's feet.

Hell, just imagine all the spin that'd be required just to explain away a second loss to The Usurper, end of liberty & freedom or not.

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