Monday, January 17, 2011

Radio W/ Pictures

A load on about Star Dreck (at least he didn't wax rhapsodic about The Twilight Zone, also available in the same package) managed to ignore what will doubtless be the best part, Irwin Allen, schlockmeister supreme.* What better medium for Mr. Allen's oeuvre than tee vee itself? We can't imagine the printed word doing him justice.

We're not trying to fool anyone, it will doubtless suck, probably two amusing anecdotes from Bill Mumy & a bunch of stills, judging from the implication of oral history we get here.
The PBS series Pioneers of Television interviewed dozens of actors, writers and producers from the early days of TV.
Now, obviously, we can’t get into great detail in a one-hour show that’s got to cover several different people, but we at least give people a sense of who Gene Roddenberry and Rod Serling and Irwin Allen were and how they all fit into the picture.
Why we bothered to finish this (We were about a paragraph in before shrugging our way out of the first shot at itattempt.): Went to the very bottom of the interviews looking for Irwin Allen-related talking heads, found nothing, but did find this quickie on the Dragnet Style.Ha ha, very funny. (We were hoping ol' Jack was going to hit the guy w/ the paper if he started acting.)

*Curse you, Stan Lee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, "You're makin' a ham sandwich!" Go Jack go!