Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sex & Violence

Talk about the feminization of your military. These Air Force metrosexuals (Call signs: Drag names?) might as well be housewives playing some Wii game as real fighting men.In the second part we are assured that it's OK to hit Iran, because these boys & their planes will get the job done.
Part three, but why suffer through an L.A. Times-length piece when moving pctures will save the trouble of reading or questioning?Wrong again. Other than refueling, the dull actuality of the videos is like Greyhounding through America's Desert South West (Redundant?) on a hellish vacation, except from a few thousand ft.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Don't be Femi-Nazi-ing our Chair Force like that, you lieberal IslamoCommieFascist!

M. Bouffant said...

Seated Editor Snickers:

Chair Force indeed.