Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bringing Shame Back

Best response so far to ExAKGov Sarah Palin's Facebook fit. (Note that it is written by "a professor at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration." That would make him both a "Chicago thug," & an academic in the social sciences. Two strikes right there.)
Governor Palin writes: “And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled.” It’s telling that she omitted one category: Poor people, whose care is now cruelly rationed in ways the Obama administration and congressional Democrats are trying to address in health care reform. Palin brings genuine moral passion to the issue of cognitive disability. I wish she would bring that same passion to the plight of uninsured patients forced to seek substandard, delayed care, or the millions of Americans facing the dual challenge of serious illness and large medical bills. If you live in any big city, go down to your local public hospital emergency room. You will probably find people in visible discomfort or illness languishing for hours. A society that cares about human rights and dignity would not tolerate this.
Oh, climb off your high horse, professor (Imagine "professor" delivered w/ more sarcasm than the law allows.) you didn't prove Obama doesn't want to kill our retarded children & aging parents.
[Kill whomever you want, blood-thirsty fucking apes. Fight it out among yourselves. We'll be back when you're finished. — Editor.]

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