Friday, October 17, 2014

What the Next Two Awful Years Will Look Like

Title lifted wholesale from a New Republic listicle of what frightens them about the possibility the Grotesque Offal Party will gain power in both Houses of the Congress.

In case you missed it (& I'm pretty sure I did) peep this.
(What next? Silver crucifixes & strings of garlic? John the Conqueror Root? A mojo hand?)

WEB OF EVIL believes the next two awful yrs. will look like this: Animal sacrifice & worshipping of the Golden Calf on the House floor if the superstition-driven death cultists of the Republican Caucus
Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find.
can't get impeachment proceedings started, when Affordable Care isn't repealed, if someone is ever audited by the I.R.S. or if there is even one more Ebola infection in these United Snakes.

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