Monday, November 1, 2010

Dia Del Derf

Holy shit. Derf Scratch has escaped this mortal coil, & his passing in July seems to have escaped us. Brought to our attention by Punk Turns 30 (And then it dies?) which offered no further details. (Of course not, they must've known three mos. ago, why wallow?)

Too fucking grim to excerpt details or recount his various whatevers. Oh ho, the L.A. Times obit indicates liver disease, & that he died in Camarillo.
Locational irony:
Wrote & vocalized on this one:
Blew on this one.
We are totally out of it, & should pay more attention. To the obituaries.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I always make it a point to scan the obits (or Irish racing forms, as I call them)- it's always a grim day when someone you know buys the farm.

M. Bouffant said...

Morbid Ed. Said:

You're not nearly old enough to be checking regularly.

And you'll note that this death announcement was sitting in a pile of papers for three mos. before we got to it.

Not that we'd seen either of the not-that-recently deceased in 15 yrs. or so, but now we're starting to get nervous about even answering the 'phone.

Anonymous said...

Some of my older fellow patients spent time (sometimes years) at Camarillo State Hospital. Some of them are suffering pernanent brain damage as a result of the mega-doses of anti-psychotics they used in the 60s.

Morbo said...

This seems right down your alley (OT):

Asteroid wins.

M. Bouffant said...

Nihilism & Thorazine Editor Agrees:

Indeed. Used to work in view of the Hollywood sign, & wondered what would happen (to us) if bin Laden's boys set off a nuke at the sign in a symbolic gesture. We'll see.

Good thing (for all of us) mental health treatment has slightly improved since the good old days.