Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nice Guys Discuss Journalism At
For-Profit T. P. Convention

In the trenches:
I spotted Farah and asked him if his speech had been approved by Tea Party Nation.

“They asked me to speak,” said Farah. “They didn’t ask me, ‘What do you want to speak about?’ No, this operates like a free and open society, not like the kind of Marxist society you would apparently like to be a journalist for.”
Yeah, David Weigel, formerly of "Reason." All hot for a Marxist society. How socially inept & psychologically disturbed are these patriots? About this much:
“Andrew is my friend,” said Farah. “He has the right to disagree, and he has the right to say anything to a socialist newspaper that he wants. And if he wants to criticize his friend to you, and he’s dumb enough to do that…”

Breitbart raised his eyebrows. “I’m dumb to do what?”

“Criticize your friend to this socialist newspaper.”

“I was talking to her,” said Breitbart, pointing to Schilling. “I was talking to you. And I was saying that I disagreed on the birther stuff.”

“OK, well, did you know that Dave Weigel from The Washington Independent was”–
It gets better (Statements on the nature of journalism from these loads, each of whom thinks he's Lois Lane, & the other isn't.) but fisticuffs did not ensue. If either of these sad-ass chumps had any of the "honor" they & their ilk prattle so freely about, one of them surely would have challenged the other to a duel, wouldn't they?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


M. Bouffant said...

"I Know," Editor Types:

The effing Two Stooges. (They had to lay one off.)

Like to see BB's bar tab & room service bills. Hic!