Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Naked Brunch

Amazing discovery made (By a thorough reading of the bacon pkg.) that will probably (& mercifully) shorten our life by several yrs.: If you nuke the bacon on a paper plate (We already knew to place the strips between paper towels, we're not that ignorant.) it turns out even better! And, serendipitously, we had acquired paper plates to feed a couple of fellow oddballs who visited on New Yr.'s Day (They'll eat anything!) so we were able to put our new discovery to work almost immediately.
Now, if someone will overnight us some No. 2 coffee filters (to arrive sometime in the early p. m. tomorrow, so we needn't leave the bunker again today) all will be well.


Hamish Mack said...

Microwaving slices of salami between paper towels has been known to enrapture some folks down here.

M. Bouffant said...

Cannibal Editor Drools:

W/ suggestions like that, we don't need enemies. Hot salam. Damn, what's wrong that we didn't think of that. No salami around the bunker is why, we s'pose, but that will be remedied.