Unless, As Is Entirely Possible, You Were Already A Cretinous American Ninny
As Trump's election is certified, Americans should declare war on stupidity | Opinion
Shame is what keeps us in check, or at least it should. It certainly used to. Trump, devoid of shame, has gone to great lengths to eviscerate that societal check.
Great headline, but the subhead is suddenly about the ephemeral concept of "shame"? Good luck getting a nation that is actively proud of its stupidity & ignorance to be embarrassed about it. That ship has sailed, & disappeared over under the horizon.
Bigger picture question: "After we've won the war on the eight billion+ idiots gumming up the works & making the planet unlivable for humanoids, where do the bodies go?" 8,000,000,000+ decomposing corpses can't be ecologically sound, even if they are giving their water back to the earth.
It's a new year and yet I still wake up in the most profoundly evil and immoral country of lies, delusion and eternal war fueled by rivers of human blood. A nation of 335 million used car salesmen with the money to buy all the cars, guns and no qualms about killing anyone else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. This is America. fml
1 comment:
It's a new year and yet I still wake up in the most profoundly evil and immoral country of lies, delusion and eternal war fueled by rivers of human blood. A nation of 335 million used car salesmen with the money to buy all the cars, guns and no qualms about killing anyone else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. This is America. fml
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