Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Another Galtian Superman To Rule Us All, & Save Us From “Modernist Philosophies And Heresies”

Rich Fantasy Life

This has the all too familiar reek of Papistry.
Jason Wilson / The Guardian:
US businessman is wannabe ‘warlord’ of secretive far-right men's network  —  Revealed: Charles Haywood, creator of the Society for American Civic Renewal, has said he might serve as ‘warlord’ at the head of an ‘armed patronage network’  —  The founder and sponsor of a far-right network of secretive, men-only, invitation-only fraternal lodges in the US is a former industrialist who has frequently speculated about his future as a warlord after the collapse of America, a Guardian investigation has found. 


SACR’s public-facing presence is confined to a slick one-page website advertising the organization’s goal as “civilizational renaissance”, and a society “with strong leadership committed to family and culture”. 

The site claims SACR is “raising accountable leaders to help build thriving communities of free citizens” who will rebuild “the frontier-conquering spirit of America”. It condemns “those who rule today”, saying that they “corrupt the sinews of America”, “[alienate] men from family, community, and God” and promising to “counter and conquer this poison”. 

It also prominently features SACR’s cross-like insignia or “mark” which it describes variously as symbolizing “sword and shield” and the rejection of “Modernist philosophies and heresies”.
Good luck w/ that, Hitler wanna-be. Your cash will be nothing but trash after the "collapse", & cash, as well as the "rule of law", is all that's keeping your employees or servants from killing you right now. But keep dreaming.


Ten Bears said...

I think that's your biggest headline ever M

Dude got rich selling shampoo ...

Al said...

Mediocre capitalist entrepreneur wants to become a Nazi wanna be cult leader. I'm sure he will find plenty of Americans who worship guns and pickup trucks to follow him.

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Decisions Editor:
Originally the headline was "Rich Fantasy Life", but the subhead got away from me.

More likely he'll find a few Murkins w/ guns & trucks who made a bee-line for his compound & helped themselves. Possibly before the collapse.