Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Get Out, Crackers, & Take All Your Stupidity & Ignorance W/ You!

Try surfing in your Great Salt Ditch, chumps.
Terry Castleman / Los Angeles Times:
California's population dropped by 500,000 in two years as exodus continues  —  The California exodus has shown no sign of slowing down as the state's population dropped by more than 500,000 people between April 2020 and July 2022, with the number of residents leaving surpassing those moving in by nearly 700,000.
The plan's working: We're getting rid of the crackers, hicks, cretins & rednecks. They're getting on the trains to the east voluntarily, w/o our having to round them up. But note that the Gov. of Utah doesn't want any of them either, because his state is an actual failure.

Utah Gov: Californians Keep Out—There’s Not Enough Water and Houses!

Utah can’t handle being the fastest-growing state, so its Gov. wants to stop the population explosion by telling CA transplants to stay home
Keep your damnable Mormon bullshit to yourself, dickwad. And your citizens. (Unless they're decent humanoids fleeing Mormonosity.)
The relationship — albeit unbalanced — is reciprocal, with the highest number of outbound Utahns heading for California.
Speaking of failed states, what would happen if California stopped sending tax money to those states that receive more Federal money than they pay in taxes?
P.S.: Inquiring minds wonder how many of the fake news typists credited above live in log cabins in the woods of a red state. Or on farms. So does this reporter.

1 comment:

Grung_e_Gene said...

The moment California stops accepting abuse from Rightwingers and Republicans is the moment those western Red States emulate Putin and invade.