Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Connect The Dots, Sheeple!

Union members! Always whining about their bosses, the job creators. (You laugh, but Trump is one, unlike the "articulate freshman senator who never created a job as an attorney" also mentioned by the Border Pigs, should you dare to click. Fuck the police.)

The National Border Patrol Council is the official organization representing our nation’s Border Patrol Agents. We represent 16,500 agents who selflessly serve this country in an environment where our own political leaders try to keep us from doing our jobs.
Selflessly, you said? And you want Trump to let you "do your jobs"?
Your tax dollars at work. No implication of any criminal activity in above image. Or of a lack of criminal activity.

Border Patrol Agents Allegedly Loot Immigrants Before Deporting Them To Mexico

A new complaint says U.S. Border Patrol agents are looting immigrants of possessions before deporting them to Mexico without
their IDs or money. The ACLU of New Mexico and a coalition of advocacy groups filed the administrative complaint with the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, and say the seizures are endangering migrants at the
U.S.-Mexico border.
Now we know whence the first division of brownshirts will come. Will the Border Polizei be the ones knocking on delegates' hotel doors in the middle of the night?

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