Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cantor Craps Out

One certain prediction (from the darkest depths of the editorial bunker) about the culmination of the shocking yada unprecedented blah stunning &cetera primary upset in Virginia's Seventh Congressional District: Congress will continue not to do much, maybe even less, does any of it ever change/make a difference/matter?

Not even excited that nominee Brat is, as a Dutch Calvinist & literal capitalist tool, bound to spew something amusing on the campaign trail, because the entire editorial staff is damn sure it will have been heard before. As in, nothing changes, it just entropies.

Two paragraphs, one conclusion. What a waste.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Labels: The Schaden Freudes Itself

We rock-throwers in Jenghazi Rubin's comment section are taking bets on when she will mention it (she'd just told us all last week that the Tea Party was on the way out...she was happy about that, because she thinks the mainstream Republicans have a better chance of taking the White House and then bombing Iran, etc.)

Weird Dave said...

It was Cooter's fault.