Thursday, November 1, 2012

Controversy & Hypocrisy

Much ado about art in the capital of good taste & you can get away w/ anything, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Not that we give a flying fuck about the controversy, but it's shameful that great American painter Robt. Williams isn't credited for his work in all the blather about this. The nekkider G'n'R advertising version:
Bowdlerized version at our source, or our source's source.

Very original version:
Appetite for Destruction


OBS said...

I have that cover on my vinyl -- I vaguely remember there being a controversy around it when I bought it, and that the weren't available later. Or something.

mikey said...

You just better start sniffin your own rank subjugation, Jack..

M. Bouffant said...

Art Fag Editor:
Izzat like "smelling the glove?"

OBS, you may be able to get back what you paid for that sucker. Maybe even a dollar or two more. Sorry about the inflation.

Smut Clyde said...

Robt. Williams has got it around the wrong way. In the original Clark Ashton Smith story, the werewolf attacks the robot rather than the other way around.

Smut Clyde said...

You know what I mean.