Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Neener

There's nothing this nifty in your benighted burgs, is there?
At the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Maltman Avenue over in Silverlake, nasty cultural commentary, or Disney Studios is about to release their new 3-D epic, Mickey Mouse Frankenstein. You decide.
Especially fun for us as we once lived at Effie & Maltman, a mere block north. Other pix of our former 'hood. Original textual context.

One cultural quibble:
We’re mellow out here, you know. Punk Rock came from the big cities back east.
BULLSHIT! Don't try to make us start a kulturkampf, 'cause we won't. Fucking hippie.


Substance McGravitas said...

It used to be that I could tell if a major-label pop record came from an LA studio. It sucked that bad.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And behind them both, the mural at the Saint Francis of Assisi Community Center –

Not that this detail means a thing without that swing, but my confirmation name?


Because he was nice to the animals.

M. Bouffant said...


Wouldn't a major label pop record almost by definition be made in an L.A. studio? Fortunately, equal crumminess can be achieved in the spare room these days.

We think we know more about Thunder than we want to, but at least he's kind to animals.