Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Right-Wing Ideology

Here's a weird one, trying to speak well of the dead:
He spoke loudly for the disabled, something that I can appreciate, as I am the nephew of a developmentally disabled aunt. (Also known as mentally retarded) The Democrats took up this cause; because the people that should have been taking their cause; that is the Church —— were too busy trying to make themselves more holy and righteous.
Yes, let's leave care of the disabled to "the Church." (Catholic, we assume.) Because they've always done such a good job of that. See: Ireland. Or: Sexual abuses & cover-ups. The Catholic Church: Holy righteous accountability is our middle name.
Truly insane. Charity will cover anyone who can't afford X hundred thousand dollars a yr. for care of the disabled? And the churches? That's right, turn the schizophrenics over to the believers in fairies, who will no doubt proceed to scourge the devils right out of them. Medication? A good whipping will teach them not to see things that aren't there.


Anonymous said...

I could call you a dick. But you do have a point.

I respected Kennedy. I didn't agree with him on everything. But I respected him.

Thanks for linking in.


M. Bouffant said...

I Am A Dick Editor Types:

Why, you're more than welcome.

Hoping that one day you all will see that in a developed nation of 300 million, we just can't count on private charity to take care of those less fortunate, even if we could trust "the Church" to handle things.