Monday, August 10, 2009

Internationalgalactic JewishNeo-Con Conspiracy, Part Whatever

From conspiracy aficionados to the "left," as linked by a crazy from the (objectively) right, JAG Hunter. Per "the left," Obama was a CIA agent/operative/something-or-other, & "birferism" has been stirred up by Israeli P. M. Netanyahu, as part of his ongoing duel to the death w/ Rahm Emmanuel.
Currently, Israeli propaganda experts are feeding a flurry of derogatory, bogus ”intelligence” on Obama to neocon media outlets in the United States.
We'd be more comfortable w/ the WMR if "neo-con" wasn't used as code for "Jew." Actual neo-con media outlets would include Commentary, The Weekly Standard, & just a few others, none of them exactly of general circulation or known as hotbeds of birth certificate conjecture. Next: THE PASSPORT CONSPIRACY. This one is almost plausible,
In addition to his American passport, Obama may have traveled in the past, while working for Business International Corporation and other U.S. intelligence-connected entities, on a British or Indonesian passport, or both. In addition to Mossad, Britain’s MI-6 is said to be aware of Obama’s past non-official cover work for the CIA and his past possession of a British passport. This information was reportedly shared with the Hillary Clinton campaign, including former President Bill Clinton, by senior British government officials.
though we wonder if it wouldn't be a plus to the right-wing? Noble CIA agent & all that. What would his using different passports if he'd been "spying" for the CIA indicate as far as being a "foreign born traitor" whose
early work for the CIA front favorably exposed him to the notion that the overthrow of governments is in the best interests of the United States. Obama’s reaction to the recent military right-wing coup against President Manuel Zelaya in Honduras suggests possible influence on him at a young age to such imperialistic American policies. Obama also does not appear to be bothered by the actions of U.S.-supported dictators who act in the very same manner as Suharto during Obama’s childhood in Jakarta.
Are we about to see a sudden shift, as the right embraces Obama for his hitherto unrevealed good fascist CIA links, & the left turns on him as a (bad, non-liberal) fascist? Speaking of Fasci-Care®, we'd like to see an imposition of forced healthcare on these fucks who need serious calming down. No pill to impose intelligence & rationality has yet to be developed, alas, & probably won't be until brains become as exciting as boners to the unwashed masses.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

FWIW, I have used the term "neoncon" in veins.

(In the title text for Fred Hiatt's pic. I hate that stupid vicious dimwitted lying POS.)

Did I mention he was an untalented whore, also?