Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Plowing W/ Salt

This went from interesting ("printing" stuff in three dimensions) to frightening (turning the earth to stone).
WIB: Wow. Would those curved surfaces allow you to “print” a hardened aircraft hangar?

BK: Certainly. But you can do more. The Air Force has developed a geopolymer, a substance that when added to soil turns it into a concrete-like material. Now, it only requires a mixture of 5 percent geopolymer and 95 percent soil to create this material, and a basic Contour Crafting rig weighs only 500 pounds and can fit in a military aircraft. So rather than transport large amounts of cement, steel and other materials to a remote military outpost, they could carry only the Contour Crafting machine and a small amount of geopolymer, and quickly fabricate a secure, comfortable military fort.
A slightly different mixture & all the soil could be turned to concrete, which will make the robotic Armageddon a lot more fun.

(As a nihilist, we're not as interested in erecting structures as razing them, of course, but literally paving the entire planet seems a bit extreme. Or not. Really, who are we to judge?)


Glennis said...

They'd make cool skateboard parks in Mad-Max world.

Glennis said...

Alas, my brilliant comment has disappeared.

M. Bouffant said...

Screwed By The Publisher Editor Notes:

So far. It's still in gmail, if you need it reproduced.

M. Bouffant said...

They'd make cool skateboard parks in Mad-Max world.

Posted by Aunt Snow to Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ at 12 May, 2011 07:46

bjkeefe said...

See the cat? See the cradle?

M. Bouffant said...

Science Gone Too Far Editor Admits:

Thought of ice-nine as we excerpted, but it's been so long we had to look up which book it was in.

bjkeefe said...

You get nine points out of ten for catching the reference.