Friday, February 4, 2011

Today's Ignorant Prick

We'll outsource today's Biggest Asshole Award to Conor F. at The Daily Dish, where he provides a new one for a Big Peace hack.
I understand how a writer for a Web site filled daily with intellectually dishonest nonsense, written to advance a twisted, incoherent ideological agenda, would lose site of the fact that other people who call themselves journalists are engaged in work that rightly makes them proud. But the fact of the matter is that foreign reporting is poorly compensated, dangerous work that is of vital importance to our world, and seldom undertaken by anyone whose primary concern is ratings. How someone fails to grasp this while writing at what is ostensibly a foreign affairs Web site boggles the mind. If you're in journalism for the money, it's much easier to launch some hack Web sites where ideologues flatter the prejudices of fellow travelers by slapping up links to stories reported by real journalists, and then publishing people who insult those same professionals, implying their work has no more value than recreational mountain climbing. So Schweitzer disparages these journalists in Egypt while his boss, who owes his fortune to curating their work, roller skates around a parking lot confronting liberals.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'd say the Ignorant Prick of the Day Award should go to Andy Breitfart, most every day.

But there's this. Also.

M. Bouffant said...

Pseudonymous Editor Reports:

We remembered to sign everything when we trademarked/copyrighted our various noms d'art. Yet, no one wants to use them.

Maybe Sarah & Bristolboard will do better.