Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ghetto Fabuloso

Via Getty Images (really, from DR) Sarin at the Belmont:
If you keep making that expression, Sarin, your sell-by date will be coming sooner than you realize.

One would think that Sarin worshipers would be taken aback at a well-known NON-ELITEST somehow getting from AK to NY to watch a fucking horse race. One would, of course, be sorely mistaken to make such an assumption.


Morbo said...

Who? Oh, her. First and last names joined together to match that of a chemical weapon, gotcha. In fairness, the nerve gas kills fewer brain cells. Speaking of which, there's got to be a fair amount of botulism going on there.

M. Bouffant said...

Copyright Editor Notes:

Made it up ourself, we think. Preserving electrons. She is hard to recognize when not in usual drag. Proverbial empty leather jacket.

Morbo said...

Aww, the nutters finally start to latch on and they give Wonkette all the credit.

M. Bouffant said...

From The Much Too Subtle Editor:

We "got" it from Watertiger, whose commentariat had the implant idea, though WT didn't mention it.