Friday, January 22, 2010

Beck, Bush & Being Brain-Dead

A relatively pointless exercise in Beck Bashing at The Daily Beast. While it is pointed to bash his sorry ass, there wasn't too much meat on the bones of this work-out. The Slate one of a few mos. back is better. Nonetheless, we were struck by this tidbit, sure to further conspiracy theorists & others who'd like to know just who the fuck pulls the strings of America's puppets.
Beck’s newfound firebrand politics and effectiveness in driving the news cycle had some old friends scratching their heads. “I never got the impression that Glenn is as naturally curious as he appears to be to be bringing the information forward that he is,” said Jim Sumpter. “I don’t know if Glenn’s being fed or if Glenn’s really the driving force. I have no idea. If he’s the driving force, that’s a Glenn Beck I never saw. If he’s being fed, then the showmanship that goes into all of this is classic Beck. Now if Glenn is the showman and the driving force behind bringing the information to the forefront, then, then I think we’re probably looking at near genius in terms of what he’s doing … [but] I don’t think this is Glenn. The catalyst in this thing is not Glenn. Glenn’s the vehicle, not the catalyst.”
So Glenn Back's about as curious as ol' George Bush, is he? Figures. We just wish Jim Sumpter (Beck's former radio station manager in Corpus Chrsti) had an idea who's putting this stuff on Beck's desk, or in that People Magazine rack next to the toilet that so many lower middle-class pigs have in their "rest rooms."

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