Friday, September 2, 2022

Help Yourselves, They're Free!

From The "Ha-Ha, Fuck You Losers" Files

TikTok Challenge Leads to Kia and Hyundai Theft Explosion in L.A.

The “Kia Boyz” stunt is hard to ignore, as the victims are innocent car owners and not the idiot performers, but it’s not all TikTok’s fault
No one who owns a car is "innocent". You bastards murder the planet every time you turn that thing over.

Good jobs, Kia & Hyundai. The United Snakes military saved your kim chi from the Kim family 70 yrs. ago, & has been defending your lame asses ever since & you "thank" America w/ these poorly-designed pollution devices? Ingrates.And fuck social media & the young morons it chumps daily.

[A local formerly printed operation]

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