Friday, November 27, 2015

Angry? You Fucking Bet I'm Angry!

And if you aren't angry you must be blind deaf & stupid.
I am ready to destroy anything, any time, anywhere. Here's the shitpile I kicked over, in front of the University of Vermont.
You useless fucks have transformed this entire planet into a fucking toilet, then you pretend it's some kind of fucking paradise & I'm not supposed to be angry?

Well, too fucking late. Nothing scares me anymore, because I am finally free of bourgeois bullshit. First your biffies, then your office towers, chumps. See if your fucking gun laws stop me from taking you out! Your concealed carry bullshit won't stop me, because I'll be ready to shoot you dead before you get your pseudo-prick outta your shouloder holster, loser. (Assuming you don't shoot your pindick off trying to get your rod out.) Self-defense my ass, you're all meat before my Second Amendment scythe! Rat-a-tat-tat!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The scientists on Law and Order, SVU will protect us* all.

* except for all the people killed on L&O, SVU, of course.

Weird Dave said...

Me, I'm more resigned.