Monday, December 19, 2011

Girl Talk

The story behind Mme. Gingrich's hair.
Having just undergone a Washington, D.C., salon’s best attempt to Callistify me, I now know that hair like that doesn’t come easily—in fact, it suggests a certain strength of character on Callista’s part that she’s able to do that to herself every single day. And I’m much less inclined, now, to judge her for looking a little off-kilter. The fumes from that many products mingled together and swirling around her head must be dizzying.
And so on.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The fumes from that many products mingled together and swirling around her head must be dizzying.

Not to mention, eau de Newt.

M. Bouffant said...

N-EEEEWW!t Editor:

Old Spice? Musk? Piss? Eye of Newt?