Those of you who don't jump from library to library in an effort to keep one step ahead of the forces of repression are probably already paying the forces of repression for the privileges of reading crap like this & downloading certain films from certain states of the former Soviet Union.
The Associated Press reviewed the "Acceptable Use Policies" and "Terms of Service" of the nation's 10 largest ISPs — in all, 117 pages of contracts that leave few rights for subscribers.
It is not pretty. You have no rights, though you may get a refund.
Why do you have to move from library to library? Are they chasing out homeless people?
What films from the former USSR are you talking about?
Ed Sez:
Russki porn. (Google™ "Drunk Moms" if you think you've eaten bad food & don't want to stick your finger down your throat to get rid of it.)
As to the first question, we wish to hell the forces of repression were monitoring us, then we'd really have something about which to whine. Really, we were implying that we're so incendiary (like the Rev. Wright) that we daren't use our own ISP but must publish from copy shops & libraries.
Actually, any movement from one spot to another is because the Santa Monica Lib. gives one 90 mins./day, the L. A. Lib. two hrs./day, & has 15 mins. at a time devil-boxes as well, enabling one to edit one's drivel if one has to publish it w/in secs. of the box shutting itself off to one for the day. So if one moves about one can get in three & a half hrs. a day of webfoolery. And the Westwood branch is w/in walking distance of our swell spot in the park, so we often finish our daily inside time there.
As long as no one complains about smell, the homeless can do whatever the housed do in libraries. L. A. does wake one up if one is observed sleeping but there was a sleeper sawing wood in the S. M. library recently & no staffer called him on it. We'll have to check the S. M. Library's posted regs. to see if sleeping is an actual sin. S. M. does have specific bathroom regs. (no birdbaths, toothbrushing, etc.) but L. A. doesn't post anything in their bathrooms, not even an "Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning to Work" sign. Eeeew!!!
"Drunk moms"? Who wants to see a drunk mom fucking somebody? Do people actually pay money to see this stuff?
I was already under the impression that the Constitution has been someone suspended under the Bush/Cheney regime.
But so far black helecopters haven't whisked me away to Gitmo.
The Editor Babbles:
Shifter: Don't worry, they'll get around to all of us eventually.
As to the Russkis (or Ukes, or whatever they are) I guess someone must pay somebody something for it. Seems to be a common riff, a babushka gets likkered up & goes crazy on some youth.
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