Saturday, January 6, 2018

Is It Contagious? Sailor Suffers Trump Syndrome

Your tax dollars at work:
A USS Shiloh sailor who was presumed to be lost at sea and hid in the ship's engine room for a week in June was found "covered in urine and feces, and had a camelback*, a multi-tool, Peeps candy and an empty peanut butter jar with him," according to a Navy Times report. [Worth the click: "How Peter Mims spent a week hiding in a warship’s engine room". — M.B.]


Other details include information from the investigation about statements Mims made about himself, including that "he could stop running engineering department engines by pulsating electricity with his body, that he could shoot fireballs out of his hands, that he had a friend who had a motorcycle with the same engine as the ship, that he had been to space, and that before the Navy he was going to work for NASA because he had reached the pinnacle of how strong a human could be."
A very stable genius.
*Actually, a CamelBak®. Is anything publishes to be believed after this egregious & ignorant error?

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