Saturday, December 31, 2011

Burnin' Up-Date

Hey, we don't like cars much either, but c'mon.
Nearly all of the fires began with a vehicle being set ablaze. Several times, the flames jumped to nearby apartment buildings or houses, causing significant damage at some of the locations.

Estimates of the total damage were not available, although officials from the Los Angeles County Fire Department said that four fires set in West Hollywood alone destroyed about $350,000 worth of cars and property.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Hey, we don't like cars much either

You don't like the cars that go "Boom"?

I'm going to proactively state that I'm not even on your lawn!

All the best in 2012, old chum.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Wake up, IT'S A NEW YEAR!!!!!

Unknown said...

They still have no suspects? With alll the friggin outside cameras installed all freaking over the place, one would think someone would be caught on videotape by now.

M. Bouffant said...

Big Brother Replies:

And so at least one was caught. Let that be a warning.

More like cars that go blam!

A new yr. for blowing up cars, yes!