Friday, April 2, 2010

An Excellent Question

Katha Pollitt: Recall the Ambassador to the Vatican
In a scathing piece for the Nation, Katha Pollitt questions why American secularists allow the Vatican any moral authority at all.

Read original story in The Nation | Friday, April 2, 2010
We give no moral authority whatsoever to the Whore of Babylon. Half the damn mackerel-snappers themselves don't. So who the hell does? (Oh crap, now do we have to read it if we want to know who the authoritarian sheep are? Do we care enough? Hell, we like scathing. What are we complaining about? Some would say, "What aren't you complaining about, Bouff?")


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'd take the job. Can't be worse than my current gig, and I bet I be eating better food, not to mention chugging down more expensive vino.

As far as the kissing up to the pedapope-a-phile, let's just say I'd flip him off when he wasn't looking and call it a good job.

M. Bouffant said...

From The Diplomatic(?) Editor:

Ambassadors don't have to work wknds., right?