Sunday, April 18, 2010

Credibility Crisis & Some Schadenfreude

An evil presence hovering over this item & Catholicism.
Alright, we found this at awful Andy's blog. (We know, foolish consistency, but come on, Sullivan, is it that hard to face all of reality?)

Apologies aside, in the same vein as the Ed Kilgore Salon item quoted three items below, another powerful institution of repression & reaction may be at least beginning its end.
Pope Benedict has made worse just about everything that is wrong with the Roman Catholic Church and is directly responsible for engineering the global cover-up of child rape perpetrated by priests, according to this open letter to all Catholic bishops
Virtual commie Küng lists what a sack of crap Ratzi is, then we get the real fun. The roof is on fire & the cathedral's coming down around their ears:
You in particular, as bishops, have reason for deep sorrow: Tens of thousands of priests have resigned their office since the Second Vatican Council, for the most part because of the celibacy rule. Vocations to the priesthood, but also to religious orders, sisterhoods and lay brotherhoods are down – not just quantitatively but qualitatively. Resignation and frustration are spreading rapidly among both the clergy and the active laity. Many feel that they have been left in the lurch with their personal needs, and many are in deep distress over the state of the church. In many of your dioceses, it is the same story: increasingly empty churches, empty seminaries and empty rectories. In many countries, due to the lack of priests, more and more parishes are being merged, often against the will of their members, into ever larger “pastoral units,” in which the few surviving pastors are completely overtaxed. This is church reform in pretense rather than fact!
Couldn't happen to a nicer collection of man-boy love enthusiasts.

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