Monday, November 3, 2008

Our Greatest Hope for the Election, & Our Future...

...would be that the entire ugly mess is over early tomorrow evening, or if not early (After the eternity of this thing, what would a few more hours matter?) at least that there be no "surprises" upon awakening Wednesday morn. Imagine if it is (or appears) close, there's been trouble at precincts all over the nation, the lawyers are at the ends of their chains, slavering for blood, blah blah blah & the indecision goes on for another eternity? The blood chills. Therefore, we encourage all fellow-travelers to vote as early & as often as possible, using those ACORN registrations you've squirrelled away. (Special note to Angelenos here on the Westside: Your household & garden staff can use those fraudulent registrations too. Show how much you & the help hate America!!) P. S.: No sooner had we posted the above nightmarish fantasy than we spotted an analysis of the possibility. We haven't the nerve to read it, but in the interests of fairness & the illusion of providing depth (& it is an illusion, the "analysis" is from the AP) we make it easily available.

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