Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Maverick-y "Reform" in Alaska

Gee willikers, we thought that Sarah Palin really was a reformer. (Didn't she say so herself, over & over & over & over & over &...) Looks as if election reform in Alaska was not one of her "reforms." You might think another reform would be to make Alaskans understand that a convicted criminal may not be their best representative in Washington, but that may not be part of the Palin plan for world domination. Well, excuse the living fuck out of us. Now that we've read the story it appears that this goes on in the largest state all the time, because it's so large. (We're such a trusting soul, we are often fooled by the inflammatory headlines written by liberal media elitists.) Couldn't Gov. P. put "First Dude" Todd on his snow machine & have him drive around gathering ballots?

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