Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Manipulated, Pimped, & Bamboozled"

The hell w/ the bourgeois corporate drones of The Root. Real people of color are well aware that Obama is a lackey of evil interests.
Assuming that the corporate Wall Street elite and its concomitant opinion-forming, omission, and misinformation machinery of the U.S. corporate media successfully installs their favorite choice - Democratic Party Republicrat Barack Obama - as the first colored President of the U.S. Empire, the majority of people in the United States are in for a rude awakening in the form of increased economic austerity, internal political repression, deepened racial disharmony, external U.S. military adventurism, and an endless stream of misleading disinformation from the corporate government. The peoples of the world will face intensified imperialistic and military assault and attempts at U.S. hegemony. This time, however, the imperialism of the U.S. Empire will be conveniently spearheaded, condoned and rationalized by its newest and most potent weapon: the dangerously double-talking “Emperor” in black face - Barack Obama. Moreover, in one fell and foul swoop, the corporate/military elite of the U.S. Empire intends to utilize Barack Obama as the “messiah” (created by none other than corporate America and its corporate media) to neutralize and destroy the ongoing Black liberation struggle for justice and equality in this nation, and in people’s liberation struggles throughout the world.
Whooo! Testify!! Don't miss part two either, where we learn that
...the corporate media’s intense disinformation campaign and biased and overwhelming support for Barack Obama was initially, simply too potent, for the majority of people to see through or recognize how they were being manipulated, pimped, and bamboozled. But with renewed vigilance, over time that will change. It must also be remembered that liberation struggles for economic, social, and political justice, nationally and internationally, are long term dialectical affairs and they will not only continue, but in the course of time, become stronger.
Never forget. We only do the groundwork for real, lasting social change.

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