Thursday, November 13, 2008

Global Warming: Caused By Global Burning

Think about this
Brown clouds dim Asia, threaten world's food
U.N.: Pollution haze could lead to extreme weather, harm farming
the next time you hear a right-wing fuckhead whine about "energy independence," meaning that we should destroy the remaining natural beauty & environment of our nation in order to assure that Big Oil can continue to profit, & to cut off the Saudi scum w/ whom we've had such a one-sided relationship for so long. Surprisingly, it only occurred to Big Oil that we might not want to be in bed w/ the diaper-heads after they attacked the continental United Snakes. And it still doesn't occur to them that burning shit for power is not the sharpest idea in the proverbial drawer.

Nor is driving everywhere surrounded by tons of steel. As indicated by this.
Study: Calif. dirty air kills more than crashes
Author says state is 'paying now' for not doing enough on pollution
Happy now, capitalist shit-burners who love funneling money to Arabs? Or would "murderers" be a more apt word?

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