Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More On The End Of The Human World

Difficult as it is to hold the wind, we suspect your species will kill itself over the more-easily-commodifiable water. Punchy final paragraph:
We know at least one big thing about how this particular tragedy will turn out: the so-called civilization of the Southwest will not survive the present century, not at its present scale anyway. The question yet to be answered is how much it will have to shrink, and at what cost. Stay tuned. It will be one of the greatest, if grimmest, shows on Earth.
Perhaps not as grim for those who don't occupy this great emptiness. Even we may not be here in 80 or 90 yrs.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Even we may not be here in 80 or 90 yrs.

I'm counting on you to go the transhumanist route, and being encased in a cyborg body!

M. Bouffant said...

Sensing a Pattern Editor:

Couldn't be worse than the one we're using now.