Friday, February 3, 2017

Back In Your Closet, You!

Via Right Wing Watch, this guy, w/ some comedy relief/schadenfreude to end the wk.:
Finally, Scott Lively warns the conservative movement not to embrace “attention-whore Milo Yiannopoulos”: “Open homosexual Yiannopoulos does not represent conservatism. Like homosexual Adolf Hitler did in Germany, he represents the rise of American Nazism and embracing him will do nothing but empower and justify the Communists who are his true counterparts … The ‘gay’ monster whose nose is just barely into the GOP tent at this point (the movement, not the man) will soon own it if it is not stopped now. Rather than cheering Yannopoulos like he’s ‘our prizefighter’ on university campuses, we need to shut off the cameras so he’ll stop posing for them and go back to the closet where his shameful lifestyle belongs.”

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

the ‘gay’ monster whose nose is just barely into the GOP tent at this point

Wow, this really sounds Freudian, IYKWIMAITTYD.