Friday, July 9, 2010

Jury Finds Black People Frightening

Jooos is scary too, but their kind ain't vi'lent like the darkies, jes' tricky w/ words.
Times change, but the radioactive fear of black people, black men in particular, has proved to have a longer half-life than any science could have discerned. This is not a fear white people possess of black people -- it is a fear all Americans possess. It makes white cops kill black cops, it makes black cops kill black men, and it whispers in the ears of white and nonwhite jurors alike that fear of an unarmed black man lying face down in the ground is not "unreasonable." All of which is to say, while it infects all of us, a few of us bear the brunt of the suffering it causes.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Also, What Digby Said.

Ivan G Shreve Jr said...

Times change, but the radioactive fear of black people, black men in particular, has proved to have a longer half-life than any science could have discerned. This is not a fear white people possess of black people -- it is a fear all Americans possess.

I learned my lesson after my daughter asked one to help bust up a chifforobe.