Thursday, November 1, 2012

Expert Financial Advice

From a pro: Spend it while you have it.
We'll get right on that.


OBS said...

How much does the "performance" upgrade cost, and how many extra horsepowers does the checking account have now?

M. Bouffant said...

Non-Performing Editor:
Oh ho! We'd thought it was just inane branding, but putting it in that context we suddenly realized that, as it's the AFTRA-SAG FCU, "performance" is what someone thought would be clever & meaningful to stupid acting types.

Weird Dave said...

At least it's a credit union.

M. Bouffant said...

Credit Report Editor:
Yeah, it is a CU, but the only reason we're overdrawn is they've taken to hitting members w/ a US$15.00 charge if their average monthly balance is under US$250.00. Otherwise we'd have had enough money to get a pack of butts today & avoid embarrassment. They also make members keep $50.00 (US) in the savings acc't. & don't let us touch it.

It is a quandary & a dilemma what the hell to do. Mebbe we'll just get one of those Social Security debit cards; not as if we'll ever be getting a car or house or anything loan from them.

Substance McGravitas said...

Might get out of the month with a positive balance! Woo hoo!