Thursday, January 24, 2008

Crap from Morons: It Never Stops

We won't go into details, but this was in one of our inboxes recently. After a certain amount of unremarkable money-grubbing boilerplate, we got to the end:
Sincerely, Linda Boyd Chairman Republican Party of Los Angeles County P.S. We have to start NOW to stop Hillary Clinton from taking America down the road to defeatism and socialism. Your contribution in any amount will help us defeat her this year. Please take a moment and help us now by contributing at [Link redacted for the sake of human decency.]
If we thought for thirty seconds that a vote for Sen. Clinton was a vote for socialism, she'd have it. Considering what a corporate, "triangulating" tool the Senator is, & how far to the right of any other Democratic candidate she is, it still kills us that Republican orthodoxy is that she's "Hugo Chavez in a dress," as some inane drone (Sucker of prostitute toes & former Clinton adviser Dick Morris? We really can't remember.) recently referred to her. And if they think Sen. C. is a "defeatist" (We think that means "has a rational foreign policy & doesn't suffer from bladder control problems every time a furriner is mentioned.") they are again deluding themselves. Sen. C. will be so anxious to prove that she's "tough" & whatnot she'll probably start a war the first chance she gets. Our recommendation is Senator John Edwards, though he'd probably be assassinated by GE, GM, ADM or an equally awful corporate entity (Blackwater?) before he could take office.


Anonymous said...

I like the cut o' yer jib . . .

M. Bouffant said...

The Editor Replies:
Well, thank you so much.

Larry Harmon said...

Hey Bouff,
Can you still vote, considreing that you're homeless?

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Reply:
We don't see why not, as we have our booklet from the county Registrar/Recorder. There's no reason to think they know we aren't still at that address. We also have our late mother's vote-by-mail form, & are tempted to fill that out & submit it as well, even though she was a registered Republican...may be too late for that though.

Larry Harmon said...

Not too late, as I read when I voted by mail myself (why walk over to AFI when I can just walk to my mailbox?), as long as they get it by Feb 5th it gets counted.

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Reply:
Aw-reet, voter fraud here we come!!