Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just So You Know

A paraphrase of Mittens Romney, blathering at the Reagan Library Q&A last night, as heard over the radio while waiting for 90 minutes in the cold wind to enter the Armory where we currently lay our head:
No, the Republican Party is not in great shape, but it's not George W. Bush's fault (!) the problem is that "Washington is broken."
Yes, he actually said that. And (paraphrasing again) he wants America to be the strongest nation in the world, militarily, financially & spiritually or in the spirit of the American people or some such. How's he going to do this? Fire everyone in Washington & ship their jobs overseas? That's how he & Bain Capital have "saved" the companies they've "bought," no reason to think it wouldn't work for government as well. Other than the fact that government & business are NOT the same things, & can't be run the same way, &, &... It's just maddening. And we were mad/disturbed to begin w/.

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