Saturday, August 18, 2018

Guilty Guilty Guilty!

Junior Brown & Ranking Ruebin - "Jah Find Babylon Guilty" (Extended + Dub)
Josh Marshall notes the grim reality; the only question is why few are willing or even able to admit it.
Trump is guilty. Why there’s such resistance to this reality is an interesting question. My own best guess is that it is too disquieting a reality to grapple with. Someone who has deliberately betrayed his country and who is compromised by and under the thumb of a foreign despot clearly should not be President. But his supporters don’t accept that. And as long as they don’t there’s no path to removing him from power prior to 2020 and maybe even beyond. That means that for the present we are locked in a situation in which we must operate in a system in which the person with the most power is working for a foreign adversary, whether out of avarice or fear. That is a profoundly uncomfortable reality. Remaining agnostic on the big question is more comfortable.

That’s my theory. But my theory, the why, doesn’t really matter. The fact that the reality is real and that it’s too hard for many to accept is what matters.
That's why truth is so beautiful: It hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.

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