Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ich Know Nossing

Senate Republicans pull a Sgt. Schultz on the theocratic fuckstick from Aladamnbama, Judge Roy (Or is it "Ray"?) Moore.

Senate Republicans have never heard of Roy Moore

Numerous GOP senators said they were not familiar with the Alabama Senate candidate’s controversial views — but they want him elected.
As if none of them knew he'd been thrown off the Alabam Sureme Court fucking twice for violating the Constitution.

Lying sonsabitches all, except Maine's Sen. Collins, the very-odd talker (Seriously, what is it w/ her speech? She sounds a little "slow", if you know what I mean.)
“I don’t know him. I think I’ll leave it there," said Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who laughed when asked about Moore. "I supported Luther Strange."
"I think I’ll leave it there," she says, laughing. She knows exactly who & what he is, but is too chickenshit to tell the truth. Probably a daughter-of-a-bitch. Sweet Blood of Jesus I hate these lying bastards & bitches.

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