Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Burn The Amazon Warehouses Too

Another two-word phrase: shit wages.
We have always despised Amazon. Now, after no apparent change in conditions despite public exposure, it's again fashionable to note awfulness, esp. because it seems to be affecting the bourgeoisie, sensitive little flowers that they are, & we are confronted w/ dèja vu all over again. But just once let's not forget people who perform physical labor, & the hell w/ the middle-class who interact w/ screens & keyboards while in a comfy chair in a climate-controlled cubicle all day & all night & all afternoon.

1 comment:

OBS said...

the hell w/ the middle-class who interact w/ screens & keyboards while in a comfy chair in a climate-controlled cubicle all day & all night & all afternoon.

Hey, I'll have you know that I do not have air conditioning in the room this comfy chair is in. So there.