Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Never Read The Comments

It's to be expected, the chorus of congratulatory comments for telling the terrible truth & not being politically correct & all that sort of thing when it's a "not a racist, but ..." type doing the hate-&-fear typing at Free Republic, Red State or wherever, but when a neo-mugwump like Matt K. Lewis types a compare & contrast (using NYT columnists Kristof & Brooks, ha ha ha) noting some vague similarities between what Communism did to Eastern Euros or their societies & cultures blah-di-de-yada & what a few centuries of slavery did to the people now known as African-Americans, is he prepared for the many-minute hate that, his piece being in the Daily Caller, followed like birds follow spring?

Probably so; you can't say he doesn't know the audience Tucker Carlson & his backers have gathered for their little operation from survivalist camps, gated enclaves, hick communities & snake-handling cults across this great nation. Lewis made a half-hearted attempt at pre-empting them,
Like Brooks, Kristof acknowledges the need for future generations to take personal responsibility
as one part of this story.
but he was just waving something in front of a load of bullshit that could not wait to express itself.

This one isn't new but we don't really hear as much of it as we should. Bet Rand Paul kinda likes it.
What the author ALSO forgets is the lasting damage wrought by a vindictive federal government on the south and those states which seceded. If we are going to blame the plight of blacks in the south on slavery lets fill in all of the factors in that formula!
Of course, you know who's doing the real whining & excuse-mongering. (Hint: Not those still bitching about Reconstruction 140 yrs. later.):
Obama is a liar as we all know, and his "hurt" is fake as his ties to slavery--and are non existent--unless of course he wants to admit he is Frank Marshall Davis's son.

I have no guilt about something I had anything to do with, nor something that no one in my entire family ever had to do with. I am beyond sick of hearing excuses from blacks because they are abject failures at life.

It's time to separate them from modern civilization and reintegrate them back into an environment where they can be happy and function at their level. It's called the back to Africa idea that has been tried before and must be completed now.
And what to do about it!

P.S.: Did you know? Racism in America stopped the very day the slaves were freed.

P.P.S.: Sorry about your faith in humanity. One less illusion to bear, really.

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