Friday, July 25, 2014

Big Bug In The Tub

Yeah, typing for children now. (Well, for adultsgrown-ups to read to children, because no literate child would tolerate this drivel for long.)
Look in the tub, bub!
There is a bug in the tub.
Did it crawl up from the drain?
Did it fall out of a plane?
(If I don't stop typing this I'm going to lose my brain.)

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Ahh, the old "waterbug".

Of course it looks just like a giant cockroach...and it is just as gross.

One year in collage I lived in the basement. Plenty were around. Including two that my fiends nailed to my door. I left them there the whole semester.