Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It Ain't Necessarily Soap

Cryptosporidia or something in the tap water. Didn't know:
The third and most unusual cause of cloudy water can be methane gas. Wells that contain methane are typically found in areas where gas and oil wells are common. Methane is objectionable in drinking water because of flammability.
Plenty of gas & oil wells around here. 'Course, I am not a heartland hick who pumps his water from a well. I'm civilized.

No indication of an outbreak from the socialist City Dep't. of Water & Power; maybe the landlord is trying to kill me w/ the shiny new kitchen faucet.
Either way, too GDF'n lazy to buy H₂O, hope boiling & the addition of coffee molecules will kill it/them dead.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Did the "next post" and "last post" buttons die from methane?

M. Bouffant said...

Work in Progress Editor:
The "Older" one's there. "Home" & "Newer" don't show on the home page. There is just no background (except boring, dull & energy-intensive white) that works for everything.

Weird Dave said...

Probably detergent they're using to clean out the oil that didn't get into the water supply.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I think that's a valid reason to drink more beer.

M. Bouffant said...

Beer-Guzzlin' Editor:
It's devolution, once again the water's nasty so you have to drink wine & brew.