Saturday, April 19, 2014

When Both Sides Do It ...

The first ones our tribe will purge will be the white liberals.

See Josh Marshall (an image of whom accompanies the Just Another Blog [From L.A.]™ On-Line Dictionary definition of objective weenie, & who's recently been taking reader submissions about what awful stupid ignorant fucking racists their parents all are) hemming & hawing that just because, per a reader, "My wife and I have Republican friends and neighbors. It never takes any of our conservative friends very long in a conversation before they begin making disparaging remarks about ethnic minorities. It’s usually only a matter of minutes." it doesn't necessarily mean that "this applies to all or most conservatives". O.K., perhaps not every last damn one of them, maybe, but most for sure.

Starting to believe that "objectivity" & "objectivism" may be more closely related than previously thought.

Here's the entire submission, w/ our emphases, excellent anecdata (or a Classic Example) of what we might (because it's all so damn funny, y'know) call Exception-That-Proves-The-Rule Racism.
And wait, further confirming anecdata:
You think this may be what the hell's wrong w/ those common clay cretins in Kansas?

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Who is that glossy-pated fellow in the embedded comment? I think he and I would get along.

It's funny, Major Kong and I were hanging out and he brought up the topic of conservative co-workers always ending up slagging on minorities.

Looking like I do, you can bet I hear a lot of this shit. I lit into some schmuck at a Von Steuben Day parade after party because he thought I was a fellow white supremacist. Fucker was shocked that I didn't subscribe to his way of life, and took off after I berated him mercilessly.