Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cluster Fuck Local Wknd.

The L.A. Marathon will be run tomorrow, fucking up the streets on the heels of losing an hr. to the time change.This follows the Oscar eff-ups (traffic & ...) of last wknd. At least Mardi Gras here is limited to about 50 idiots at the Farmer's Market who feel they must boogie-oogie-oogie because of some Catholic bullshit, & no streets are closed. Maybe we should just shut the whole city down for the last half of February & the first wks. of March. (OR FOR ALL TIME!!!) & have a big drunken Mardi Gras in which hundreds of idiot revelers die. Write your council representative now.

Honestly, the final line of everything ever typed here should probably be "What in the fuck-tuck-tucking hell is wrong w/ you awful, awful peoplehomo sapiens sapiens?" Because once that's answered it's all downhill.


Weird Dave said...

I don't know why cluster fucks have such a bad reputation.

They're way more fun than running a marathon.

M. Bouffant said...

Hmmm ... Editor:
Me neither, really, but they're generally agreed to be a mess, so I have to go w/ that definition. It's probably that old time morality that condemns cluster fucking.

Sounds as if it could be fun, or an orgy.