Friday, February 21, 2014

Local Non-Endorsement

Westsiders, do not vote for Matt Miller, corporatist fan of the National Security State.Pacific Palisades my ass. And "small business." (In English: Bourgeois pigs.)

We need a more radical Henry Waxman there, not a centrist clone of Dianne Feinstein. (When do the progressive purity purges begin? Between me & the Republican reactionaries, we should be able to get all the fucking middle of the roaders out of both parties & into the middle of the road where they will be run over by a succession of semis & SUVs. No more compromise w/ anyone, on any side at any time, ever!!)


Cirze said...

You go girl!

We're right behind you.


No more neoConLibs!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Miller wants to cut Social Security, too.

Pitchforks and tumbrel time for this asshole.

M. Bouffant said...

Will Slice A Bitch Editor:
Did someone say ... "cut?"