Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blame Obama, Obviously

The American brain, squirming like a toad:
You’re not imagining it, according to a new study obtained by Yahoo! News on Thursday. The report, which is set for release in a Federal Bureau of Investigations bulletin next week, finds that mass shootings have indeed become more common. They have spiked from five a year between 2000 and 2008 to 16 a year from 2009 to 2012.
See? But in all fairness, it could also be correlated w/ the Tea Party. And Bush's Great Recession.
The report also sheds some light on who is committing mass shootings, and how: 94 percent of gunmen are men, though they range significantly in age. Forty percent of mass shootings happen at businesses, while 29 percent take place at schools. Fifty-nine percent of the time, the gunmen use handguns, and 26 percent of the time rifles.

They claim, on average, two lives.

“Mass shootings” are defined by the authors of the report, who are from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University, as incidents where a gunman opens fire in a public place with the motivation of killing many, at least one of whom is “unrelated” to the gunman. This means the data does not include gang violence or crimes where shooting is a byproduct.
Hey, where are all those chickens going?

1 comment:

Weird Dave said...

This means the data does not include gang violence or crimes where shooting is a byproduct.

And, of course, leaves out one of my favorites, Murder/Sucide.